These are extraordinary times, and we hope that you are all staying safe, remaining steadfast, and supporting one another during this forced "pause" in all our lives. We want to update you on ASG's plans in light of the COVID-19 situation and what would normally be our April pickup day.
Our desire is to make sure your donations get to the food bank and ultimately to those in need, while also keeping everyone safe. As a board, we've had many discussions about this, and concluded that the best way to do this is to CANCEL our scheduled April 11 pickup. In lieu of our pickup day, we are asking you to drop off your filled bag directly to the food bank. Following are important details about this:
For this particular donation, please use disposable bags (paper or plastic), NOT your red ASG bag. Please save your red bag for next time!
Drop off your filled bag directly at the food bank, only if you are not ill. If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, or are caring for someone with symptoms, do not drop off a bag until at least 72 hours after all symptoms are gone.
The Salvation Army's (TSA) food bank is considered an essential service, as are the donations made to it. Their office remains open, and bags can be dropped off inside the lobby of their front office during business hours: Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch). They are located at 3001 R Ave. If you need assistance unloading your bag at TSA, they ask that you call ahead at (360) 293-6682 to make sure they're available and can watch for your vehicle. Please do not drop off bags when their office is closed; we don't want them sitting outside over night!
Current Food Shortages: Spaghetti sauce, pasta, jam/jelly, single-serve fruit cups, single-serve applesauce cups, mac & cheese, meals-in-a-can, soups, Ensure-type drinks, canned meats (except tuna). Also, while not essential, the food bank could use more bags of flour and sugar.
The food bank still has plenty of the following, and does NOT NEED: canned tuna, peanut butter, diced tomatoes, canned veggies (overstocked on green beans and corn), beans of all types.
Special Request: **Please remember these are EXTRA items to add to your bag should you choose. Otherwise, please focus on food shortages.**
April's special request is for (you guessed it!) toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, and disinfecting wipes/cleaners. We fully realize that many of these items are in short supply everywhere, but would you mind checking your stash at home to see if you have an item to spare?
If you would prefer make a monetary donation, you may do so online at, or by mailing a check payable to A Simple Gesture-Anacortes, P.O. Box 1413, Anacortes, WA 98221. Monetary donations will be used to purchase food to keep our Red Bag Pantries stocked.
At this time of uncertainty and anxiety for many, we are especially thankful for all of you and your continued willingness to help those in need. We are encouraged and inspired by it! We will continue to give you updates about what we're up to, but in the meantime, please let us know should you have any questions. Thank you, Your ASG Board of Directors
