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Drop-Off Instead of Pick-Up for 4/8!

Writer: ASG-AnacortesASG-Anacortes

After assessing the logistics of our April pick-up day, our ASG board has decided to CANCEL our scheduled (April 8th) pick-up. In lieu of our pick-up day, we are asking you to drop off your filled red bag directly to the food bank. Starting now and continuing through April, our goal is that your dropped off bags will fill up the food bank shelves just as they would on our normal pick-up day.

This pick-up cancellation is due to three big timing factors: Spring break, Easter weekend, and board volunteers' availability. This is the first time all three issues have coincided and conflicted with our pick-up day, something we didn't realize two years ago when scheduling our dates. So after seriously considering all our options, we found that canceling and having a "drop off" makes the most sense. Thank you for your understanding, and we'll be back at it in June!

Following are important details about the Drop Off:

  • The Salvation Army food bank (TSA) is located at 3001 R Ave, and they'll have a cart just inside their front office door for bag drop offs. You may also go around to the back of the building to the "Food Bank Delivery Only" door to drop off if needed.

  • Please drop off ONLY DURING THEIR BUSINESS HOURS, as follows:

Monday - Wednesday: 9am-4pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch), and Thursday: 9am-6pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch)

  • If you're unable to drop off during TSA's business hours, you may save your red bag for our June pick-up.

  • Replacement red bags will be available in TSA's front office, so don't forget to grab an empty replacement bag for June!

  • Is your red bag ready to go now? If so, please drop it off at your earliest convenience -- no need to wait until April!


Spaghetti Sauce

Cereal Peanut Butter Jelly Hamburger Helper Pasta Roni Rice a Roni Cup A Noodle Chili Meals In A Can Ensure type drinks Milk (all types) Juice Granola Bars Crackers Canned Meat Toilet Paper Shampoo Conditioner Bar Soap Baby Wipes Sugar Coffee (including single serve instant coffee) Soups NOT NEEDED: Please note, the food bank currently has adequate amounts of the following, and at this time does NOT NEED: No beans No mac n' cheese No tomato products Finally, we gratefully accept monetary donations, which can be made via either our ASG Square site or check payable to A Simple Gesture - Anacortes, mailed to P.O. Box 1413, Anacortes, WA 98221. Our next pick-up date is June 10th, so mark your calendars! If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to us!



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